Quality guaranteed.  We strive for highest quality of service.


We strive to keep our pricing updated in realtime.  Due to market fluctuations and supplier uncertainty, we will contact you in the unlikely event we are unable to fill the order at the price sold, or should a substitution be suggested/required.



We strive to update our inventory in realtime (within 60 seconds of the last transaction). If you ordered an item that is out of stock, or if you ordered more quantity than we have, we will contact you to confirm availability.

Items priced per foot but sold per piece (primarily Trim and Moulding) will have a Minimum Quantity that is also the Multiple Of.  Your Shopping Cart will automatically round up to the nearest whole number of pieces, to fill the number of Feet you requested.


In Store Pickup

Our online store is currently viewing only, please call us for pricing and to place an order.


Special Orders

If you require pre-fabrication done to any products you order, please call us to place your order.  Our shop will carry out the nessary preperatory work you need done.

Special order items are not refundable.



Due to volatility in supply chain availability and pricing, the listed supplier and/or current price of a product, may require substitution.  We reserve the right to cancel and refund any order that we are unable to fill at the price sold.